for example,
if we are being friendly to someone, that person too will be friendly towards us.
if we treat our children as a bright child, he/she finally will become one.
if we are confident that our efforts will succeed, immense possibilities efforts can be a partial success.
the impact of positive thinking pattern is called the Pygmalion Effect.
Our minds are indeed often have an impact fulfilling prophecy or prophecy fulfilled, both positive and negative. if we consider our neighbors bad so we do not want to hangout with them, then finally they really become bad for us.
if we suspect and we do not consider children to be honest, then he finally really be dishonest with us.
if we were desperate and felt unable at the start of a business, the chances we really will fail.
Pygmalion mindset is thinking, guessing and hope only good about a situation or person.
imagine, how big impact if we minded positive like that, we will not prejudice about other people.
if we think badly about other people, there is always a thing for suspect badly. if there is a friend gives a gift to us of course that's a good deed, but if we think bad, we would be suspicious, "perhaps he is trying to persuade." or we nag, "Ah, the gift is only inexpensive goods."
Loss mindset like that is ourselves, we become easily suspicious and unhappy. on the contrary, if we think positive, we would enjoy the gift with a sense of joy and gratitude, "He was so generous, even though he was busy, he remembered to give it to us."
The color of life is dependent on the color glasses we wear.
if we use gray glasses , everything would appear gray, life became gray and gloomy. but if we wear glasses that light, everything would appear sunny. Glass eyes are prejudiced or hate will make our lives suspicion and hatred, but peaceful glasses will make we live peacefully.
life would be better if we look at it in terms of good, think weel of themselves, think well of others, good thinking about the state, Think well of God. impact though it would be so good as we feel, Family is warm, comrade became trustworthy, neighbors became familiar, work become fun, world became friendly, life becomes beautiful, like Pygmalion.
Make sure you are Pygmalion and the world will be filled with positive people only
Read More About Pygmalion Effect Here
Read More About Pygmalion Effect Here
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